
international specialization中文是什么意思

  • 国际专业化



  • 例句与用法
  • What kind of international specialization urged the emergence of this new structure of international trade
  • Analysis of the comparative advantage and types of international specialization of the industrial goods exported to korea from china
  • With the development of manufacturing and technology , there arose another incentive for trade , i . e . international specialization
  • With the development of manufacturing and technology , there arose another incentive for trade , i . e . international specialization - - - - - - one country producing more of a commodity that it uses itself and selling the remainder to other countries
    随着生产和技术的发展,产生了另一个刺激国际贸易的因素,即国际生产专门化? ?一个国家所生产的某种商品数量超出它的消费并将所剩余商品卖给其他国家。
  • By analyzing the china ' s comparative advantage of industrial products exported to korea and the development of the sino - korea intra - industry trade of industrial products , this paper points out that the types and characteristics of the international specialization of chinese and korean industries
  • In the former a constant return to scale technology with labor as the sole input is used ; in the later an increasing return to scale technology based on the division of labor that needs both labor and capital as input is used . we can show that in a closed economy or in the situation of complete international specialization the increase of productivity in traditional sector leads to the expansion of modern sector
  • It is pointed out that with the international specialization changed from inter - industry specialization into intra - industry or even intra - product specialization , manufacturing of mncs in yangtze river delta shows the notable feature of value - chain specialization and with the value - chain linkage between local firms and mncs being strengthened , industrial agglomeration of edt is taking shape , and edt of mncs shows the following tendencies : bigger fdi scale , more segments of certain industries and more headquarters located in the delta , and more mncs investing in service industry
  • The interrelationship between foreign direct investment and foreign trade has increasingly drawn much attention due to the emergence of multinational companies , the increasing share of intra - industrial trade and the deepening of international specialization . the experience of china ’ s economic reform and growth has also witnessed the key role of foreign direct investment in promoting the development of foreign trade in china
  • This paper profoundly analyses balance of payments of china with relative data in 1985 - 2006 period and found that : saving exceeding investment continuously in the long run is the fundamental cause of twin - surplus of china which reflects the inner imbalance of economic structure of china under background of intensive international specialization and industry upgrading and transfer
    摘要本文通过对1985 - 2006年中国国际收支及相关数据的深入分析,发现中国长期存在的储蓄持续大于投资是中国国际收支长期保持双顺差而失衡的根本原因。
  • However , in the situation of incomplete international specialization the effect is uncertain . we also find that the increase of productivity in traditional sector does not necessarily improve the comparative advantage in this sector . moreover , we analyze two types of situations with multiple equilibria in which the economy can jump from a " traditional technology " to a " modern technology " equilibrium
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international specialization的中文翻译,international specialization是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译international specialization,international specialization的中文意思,international specialization的中文international specialization in Chineseinternational specialization的中文international specialization怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
